Tuesday 21 February 2017

Soul Of Sounds Vol.51 Mixed By Benny Costa

Hi everyone it's been a while since we put up a show, really sorry for making you guys wait so long.
I will be getting things back to speed as of now onward, I will put up mixes whenever I get the chance to. Life tends to get in the way some times, but just rest assured that you will be getting a fix from as at least once a month. and that is a promise I intend to keep.
People have been approaching me and asking about the show and if it was dead or not..
Well obviously it was in a two year coma and has been revived by everyone of you who kept in touch and reminded me that I had this passion for music that I just couldn't forget about. I would like to thank each and everyone of you guys cause if  it wasn't for you guys I don't think i could've gathered the strength to get back at this.. Its a very tough game to be a part of, non the less we will keep doing it for the love of House Music and refreshing all Yo'lls dancing shoes. refining your ears / Musical taste.

This is a show that I recorded about a week ago for Soul of Sounds staying to the Soul in the House while delivering a very Deep signature. Which is just about what SOS represents in a nutshell, please do drop a comment on how it makes you feel. It was a very emotional mix that speaks for itself. Emphasis on the title of the mix "DEATH UNDER MY FEET" if you listen to the message in the tracks that have vocals on them you will get a feel of where the title came from, I won't take credit for naming the show though. A friend / fellow House Music enthusiast by the name of Tshepo Mokoena requested we should call it that and it sounded just about right as we are also in the spirits of putting death under Soul of Sounds' feet as of now, more shows still to come so keep it locked.

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